DOCUMENT ID: 1249-02 SYNOPSIS: General Description of System V Release 4 Paging OS RELEASE: 2.x PRODUCT: Solaris x86 KEYWORDS: paging memory cache system V DESCRIPTION: System V Release 4 Paging SOLUTION: Paging In general, all disk I/O centers around the VM system's role as a cache manager. All page-in requests come as a result of the cache manager's need to fill its cache (main memory). Page-out requests come when a page is written back to disk. PAGING IN This is no specific page_in() routine, Instead, a set of routines governs page-in policies. All of main memory can act as the page cache. A page is searched for using page identity to see if it still has a page structure. * page_find() * page_lookup() If it has a page structure, but its p_free bit is set, the page_reclaim() routine attempts to reclaim it. PAGE REPLACEMENT The system strategy for page replacement is as follows: * Try to keep a minimum amount of memory free (minfree). * If free memory drops below lotsfree (little free memory is left), then run the page daemon. * If free memory is below t_gpgslo, then the swapper looks for an LWP to swap out. A two-handed clock algorithm is used to search memory for the least recently used pages. DATE APPROVED: 01/11/95