DOCUMENT ID: 1264-02 SYNOPSIS: How to increase number of files that can be opened by a process OS RELEASE: 2.4 PRODUCT: Solaris KEYWORDS: limit resource file_desc NOFILES rlim_fd_max rlim_fd_cur SYMPTOMS: Cannot increase the descriptors field over 1024 in limits(1) or ulimits(1) command. DESCRIPTION: There is a hard limit set on the number of file descriptors per process. This limitation is by default set to 1024. This cannot be exceeded by either limits(csh) or ulimt(sh) commands. The users get a limit of 64 file descriptors and can increase it to 1024. Here is what has to be done to further increase this limit. SOLUTION: There are two variables in the kernel that can be modified to set these limits. The limits are called the hard limit or the max allowed and the soft or the current limit. The two variables that can be modified are rlim_fd_max & rlim_fd_cur. Set the following in the /etc/system file. set rlim_fd_max=set rlim_fd_cur= DATE APPROVED: 02/15/95