DOCUMENT ID: 1508-02 SYNOPSIS: Pre-install kadb debug procedures OS RELEASE: Solaris x86 2.x PRODUCT: KEYWORDS: pre-install kadb debug DESCRIPTION: Pre-install kadb debug procedures SOLUTION: At the "Enter 1 for interactive, 2 for jumpstart" prompt, instead enter: kadb At the first kadb prompt (kernel/unix), hit return. At the second kadb prompt ([0]), type: moddebug/W 80000000 At the next kadb prompt ([0]), type: :c Now you will get all sorts of information as it loads each dynmically loadable kernel module..... When the crash or hang finally occurs, write down the last 5 or so lines that were displayed before it stopped. If your system is hung, type ctrl-alt-d (that's d NOT del) to get it to drop back to the kadb prompt. Then at this final kadb prompt, type: $C You will see a bunch of routine names displayed, along with some parameters and hexadecimal numbers. We really only care about the routine names. Write these down. You can then email or fax this information to support. DATE APPROVED: 09/05/95