DOCUMENT ID: 1540-02 SYNOPSIS: Making additional Unix filesystems OS RELEASE: 2.x PRODUCT: Solaris x86 KEYWORDS: unix filesystems DESCRIPTION: You can have up to 4 fdisk partitions per hard drive, but only one may be used for Solaris. However, it is possible to create unix filesystems on other fdisk partitions that will be mountable by Solaris. These partitions cannot be subdivided into slices the way the main Solaris partition is. You will only be able to have one filesystem on each additional fdisk partition. SOULTION: To do this, follow this procedure: WARNING: USE THIS PROCEDURE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IT IS NOT OFFICIALLY TESTED OR DOCUMENTED. IF THERE IS AN ERROR IN YOUR CALCULATIONS YOU COULD INADVERTENTLY DESTROY ADJACENT FDISK PARTITIONS. fdisk /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#p0 (for a SCSI drive) or fdisk /dev/rdsk/c#d#p0 (for an IDE drive) (where # is filled in for the device you are using) get the length from the length field for the partition you want to make into a unix filesystem. In the following example, we will say it was fdisk partition #3 with a length of 515 cyl. Also note the cylinder size. The line for this info is worded: "Cylinder size is 896 (512 byte) blocks" So in this example the cylinder size is 896. Now multiply 896 and 515 to get 461440. This is the length in bytes. Then do: mkfs -F ufs /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#p3 461440 (for a SCSI drive) or mkfs -F ufs /dev/rdsk/c#d#p3 461440 (for an IDE drive) Now you have a UFS file system that you can mount at /dev/dsk/c#t#d#p3 (for a SCSI drive) or /dev/dsk/c#d#p3 (for an IDE drive) DATE APPROVED: 10/18/95