DOCUMENT ID:  1098-02

SYNOPSIS:     How to add a CD-ROM to Solaris x86


PRODUCT:      Solaris x86

KEYWORDS:     add CD-ROM SCSI lms nec sony sun texel toshiba


Procedure to add CD-ROM to Solaris X86

Solaris x86 supports a SCSI CD-ROM drive connected to the target system
or available on the network in order to install.  Most CD-ROM drives
conforming to the SCSI interface specification are expected to work. 

List of CD-ROM units that have been tested:

 Manufacturer            Model

 LMS                     CM214
 NEC                     Intersect CDR-74
 NEC                     Intersect CDR-84
 Sony                    CDU-7211
 Sony                    CDU-6211
 Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunCD
 Texel                   DM-5021
 Toshiba                 TXM-3201
 Toshiba                 TXM-3301
 Toshiba                 TXM-3401


1. Shutdown your system.

2. Check the physical connections.  Verify that the CD-ROM drive is
   properly connected and that any applicable switches or jumpers are
   configured to set the SCSI target number to 6.  The operating system
   normally reserves target #6 for the CD-ROM drive and this is the
   recommended setting, but if it is unavailable on your system another
   target ID can be used. 

3. Turn on the power to the CD-ROM drive.

4. Reboot the system.  At the > prompt, type b -r This is a
   reconfiguration boot.  The system will detect the addition of the
   CD-ROM, and create the necessary devices for it. 

5. Place the CD media into the drive.

   In this example, we will use the Solaris Operating System CD.

6. Type the following:

   cd /
   mkdir /cdrom
   mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c0t6d0p0 /cdrom

The CD-ROM drive is mounted and the files stored on the CD media are
available (in the /cdrom directory) for reading, executing, or copying
to other directories.