DOCUMENT ID: 1102-02 SYNOPSIS: Mounting NFS Filesystems OS RELEASE: PRODUCT: Solaris x86 KEYWORDS: mount NFS file system server vfstab DESCRIPTION: On boot, Solaris chews up clock cycles trying to connect to a downed NFS server, making it impossible to log in to the system console. The default behavior of the 'mount' command on NFS filesystems is to continue trying until the server responds, and to do this in the foreground. SOLUTION: Soft-mount the remote filesystem, or put the mount command in the background. Soft-mounting can be accomplished by putting the "soft" option in /etc/vfstab. This causes the mount command to return an error if the server does not respond, and not retry. Background mounting can be accomplished by putting the "bg" option in /etc/vfstab. This causes the mount command to retry connecting to the server until it responds, but to otherwise continue with normal processing. DATE APPROVED: 09/15/95