DOCUMENT ID: 1107-02 SYNOPSIS: How to add a SCSI tape drive on Solaris x86 OS RELEASE: PRODUCT: Solaris x86 KEYWORDS: install SCSI tape drive DESCRIPTION: How to add a SCSI tape drive on Solaris x86 SOLUTION: Procedure to Install SCSI Tape drive 1. Power down system using the 'shutdown' or 'init' commands 2. Add tape drive to the SCSI chain by plugging SCSI cable into bottom terminator and terminate the top terminator (if it is the last device on the SCSI chain). 3. Set LUN to 4 (or any unused setting). 4. Turn on the tape drive. 5. Reboot the system. At the 'Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter:' type "b -r" . This will start a reconfiguration boot. 6. As the system comes up, you will see the following informational messages: Configuring /devices directory Configuring /dev directory Configuring /dev directory (compability devices) 7. Once the system is up, check /dev/rmt for tape devices. Each tape device will have a combination of characteristics /dev/rmt/AXn---------------------------------- || ^ ^^-------- Optional Drive ^ No-rewind 0,1,2 Optional n no-rewind Density omit for rewind l=low m=medium h=high u=ultra b=BDS blocking feature 8. If /dev/rmt is empty, i.e., the tape drives were not created, you can manually configure the drive. Run 'drvconfig' at the # sign. 9. Run 'tapes'. Check /dev/rmt/ for the creation of the devices. DATE APPROVED: 09/15/95