DOCUMENT ID:  1135-02

SYNOPSIS:     Command to check configured Devices


PRODUCT:      Solaris x86

KEYWORDS:     check configured hardware device prtconf


There is a command in Solaris x86 that can be used to check configured
hardware devices.  The command is "prtconf" and it can be executed at
the # prompt. 


What this command will do is check for all existing hardware and let you
know what it finds.  For instance, if you were adding a second serial
port for your mouse, had done the boot -r to configure the device and
the mouse still did not work.  You could execute the 'prtconf' and look
for the second instance of your asy device.  If it does not appear in
the list, what this is telling you is that the bus does not see your new
hardware.  So either your hardware is failing or is improperly
configured (conflicting I/O or IRQ address). 

Below is a example of the output from the 'prtconf' command.

System Configuration:  Sun Microsystems  i86pc
Memory size: 32 Megabytes
System Peripherals (Software Nodes):

    isa, instance #0
        kd, instance #0
        aha, instance #0
            cmdk, instance #0
            cmdk, instance #1 (driver not attached)
            cmdk, instance #2 (driver not attached)
            cmdk, instance #3 (driver not attached)
            cmdk, instance #4 (driver not attached)
            cmdk, instance #5 (driver not attached)
            cmdk, instance #6 (driver not attached)
        chanmux, instance #0
        smc, instance #0
        smc, instance #1 (driver not attached)
        smc, instance #2 (driver not attached)
        smc, instance #3 (driver not attached)
        smc, instance #4 (driver not attached)
        smc, instance #5 (driver not attached)
        asy, instance #0
    options, instance #0
    objmgr, instance #0
    pseudo, instance #0

From this output you can determine that the system has found:

 1. System memory-32 megabytes
 2. Intel Platform-i86pc
 3. Isa Bus-isa, instance #0
 4. Keyboard-kd, instance #0
 5. Adaptec controller-aha, instance #0
 6. 1st drive-cmdk, instance #0
 7. 1st ethernet card-smc, instance #0
 8. 1st serial port-asy, instance #0